Local Amenities Local Amenities

Can’t find your question below? Don’t hesitate to call the team at Rockingham Visitor Centre on (08) 9592 3464 to help with your enquiry.

When is the Rockingham Visitor Centre open?
The Rockingham Visitor Centre is open 9:00am to 4:00pm on weekdays and 10:00am to 2:00pm on weekends. Holiday hours may differ.
Is there a tourist information/visitor centre?
Absolutely! Before embarking on your adventures, be sure to visit the Rockingham Visitor Centre located at 19 Kent Street, Rockingham WA 6168. Alternatively, you can also call the team on (08) 9592 3464 for a friendly chat and expert advice about Rockingham’s best attractions.
Are there any skate parks?
There are a number of skate parks in the City of Rockingham. More information is available here.
Is there free WiFi in Rockingham?
Yes. Free WiFi is available in various cafes/restaurants and major shopping centres. 
Are there any free RV dump points?
There are no public RV dump points in Rockingham. The nearest one, however, is in Mandurah.  To find the nearest RV dump station please visit Sanidumps Maps
Are there free public BBQs?
There are plenty! Free public BBQ facilities are located along the Rockingham Foreshore and various other parks around town, of which you can search for here.